Stay curious. Be inspired. Get intimate.

January through March showers, a few hail storms in LA and here come the flowers and trees! It’s time to smell the roses and feel the earth underfoot. Touch the softness of the petals and taste the honey from the suckle. Smell it, feel it, taste it, see it, hear it. What gifts we have!

On YouTube, I watch New Paradigm Astrology. The first few minutes are over my head as Kaypacha talks, ‘the moon trines venus and squares mars.’ and so I scrub to where he faces the camera and he breaks down the week in layman terms. It helps me understand why this feels like that, as the planets have aligned in that way and this. It all makes sense when you hear it. 

It feels like a transitional time. It feels slippery, like it’s morphing and it’s passing on and being born. As we shift into AI, it is important to maintain human to human connection. We are all we’ve got. My mother Janet always says, “Your feelings are the best thing you have.” Human contact feels very important now. Find ways to connect with other people. Dance class, yoga, talks. Tuesday M2M class in Ktown. 



Inspired, together. 🎥🪩🎭


Permission to Bloom 🌞🌈🌺