Connecting with our humanity 🧠🤖🫀

Hello, It’s Me

I cannot begin to tell you how much I was pressured to write this section of the newsletter with Chat GPT. I was sent a copy of one that was created for this welcome, but I haven’t read it for fear it will sway my mind. I want to write this by my own hand and so here I sit. In the field of acting, AI is becoming and is our voices and our faces and probably, our moments. There is a rational concern for the actor becoming obsolete, and maybe it’s cynical, but it’s already happening now. From all I've heard and read and understood, the difference between AI and us, is that we have human connection. I’m learning myself as this all unfolds, but it makes sense to me that what separates us from AI is our ability to open the senses, to be in time with each other, and experience intimacy. I’ll continue to wave the banner of moment to moment, effective connection — let’s make the time to connect, in our daily days and nights, to pay attention, and be present with each other. 

If you haven’t seen Simone (2002), written and directed by Andrew Niccol w/ Rachel Roberts and Al Pacino, watch Niccol’s film, I recommend it on the topic of AI. Niccol’s is always ahead of his time (The Truman Show, Gattaca, In Time). I also enjoyed the intimacy of Scarlett Johansen’s character and Joaquin Phoenix in the movie, SHE. Lastly, I’ll share a documentary I recently watched about AI that is absorbing. I haven’t fact checked it as of yet, so you’ll have to continue with your own due diligence. Let’s continue to share what each of us learns and discovers on the topic as we’re all in this together.



Give Yourself a (Conscious) Break ☀️🧘🏻‍♀️😴 


Inspired, together. 🎥🪩🎭