Specifics Make Brilliance
Welcome to
Acting Class Now
with Iris Klein
“The Artist Job Is To Reveal The Human Condition”
“We Always Have The Present Moment To Catch Up To Now”
“It is our ability to be present that establishes our presence”
Who is Iris Klein?
Iris Klein grew up in New Jersey, one suburb away from Manhattan. At five years old she watched her cousin, Jerome Robbins’ masterful, “West Side Story,” from the fifth row. At nine years old she heard Mànitas De Plata play flamenco guitar at Carnegie Hall which opened her ears to the music of the world. At twelve, Iris witnessed Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton read Shakespeare, poetry, and verse to each other in a ‘by invitation only,’ intimate theatre space. These shows are where she fell in love with the theatre.
Klein’s Philosophy
Acting Is An Art Form Of Self Discovery. Through Each Other, We Discover Ourselves. When We Know What Affects Us, The Character Can Live In Us.
Every Action Creates A Reaction Which Determines The Point Of View. Acting Is What We Do About How We Feel. Acting Is Doing. Acting is Living Truthfully Under Imaginary Circumstances. Through A Process Of Exercises That Teaches The Actor To Trust Their Instincts And Impulses, To Be Present and In The Moment, The Actor Learns To Focus And To Listen And Respond Truthfully, Developing A Heightened Awareness . Utilizing Ones Experience, Imagination, Research And Intelligence, The Truth Is Revealed.
Acting Classes
Explore a range of dynamic classes designed to unlock your talent. From intensive workshop to drop-in sessions, there is something for everyone.
1:1 Coaching
These exclusive 1-on-1 coaching sessions are designed to help you refine your skills, gain confidence, and shine on stage and screen.
Scene Study
In scene study, we dig into the material and break it down and explore it and find ourselves invested in these lives and live truthfully under these circumstances.